The Short History of England | History of England in Nutshell

 England History

England history

In the lower Paleolithic period, the habitation of the British Isles was made by early hominids more than 10,000 years ago. British islands were laying to continental Europe by a territory named Doggerland by the Mesolithic period. Homo sapiens or modern humans were the only hominid species to still survive here between 4500 BC to 600 BC.

Agriculture was adopted and many people started from in the course of the first 1000 near BC. Emigration from continental Europe resulted in the establishment of Celtic languages in the British pounds from 40 to 410 AD. The Soudan Britain was part of the Roman Empire expeditions were made in today's Scotland - named Caledonia by Romans but in the north of the island, the native population treated invaders with hostility.

Many Roman forts were destroyed by fire after the end of the Roman period. The early medieval times saw a series of invasions of Britain by the German-speaking Saxons beginning with the 5th century. Anglo-Saxon kingdoms were formed and to words with British states. They came to cover the territory of present-day England after that period. The Anglo-Saxon state was Christianized in the 9th century Vikings from Norway and Denmark conquered most of England.

 Only the kingdom of Wessex under the Alfred the Great survived and even managed to reconquer and innovate England for much of the 10th century. But in the early 11th century the subjugation of England to Denmark under 10 new to degrade happened. Danish rule was overthrown and the local house of Wessex was restored to power under Edward. The Confessor from both two decades under his debt in 1066 but William Duke of Normandy said he was the rightful hire of the English throne.

He invaded England proclaiming himself to be the King. William the first threatened his regime by appointing loyal members of the norman led to any position of authority in the kingdom. After that England faced a period of succession crisis known as anarchy by thirty forty-eight black there was in England and one of three people were killed because of these diseases. A succession crisis in France led to a hundred years worth a series of conflicts involving the people of both nations France won and England had its own succession.

Wars again in the Middle Ages anyone wants to be a king and to have power humans. Henry Tudor ended the War of the Roses and established the Tudor dynasty in 1486. The most known king in that era was Harry which embarked on a war in France just for personal desire and glory even if her sister was married with the King of France. Harry had six wives he killed two and divorced two of them, one died and one survived but at that time there wasn't possible to divorce.

This was a law from Catholic  Church while Harry decided to simply create his own Reformation. English Reformation where the Pope couldn't be the big boss anymore. But a king was Elizabeth the first started a golden era in England. Poetry and music cultures were growing, the economy was stronger and from the military point of view at that time English managed to defeat a Spanish fleet Armada which was the great fleet.

At least they say so after the Tudors he stewards came in. In the union of counts, another civil war happened. King Charles was killed in 1649. A Commonwealth was established as a protectorate and after that, the stores came again in 1660. The colonial period officially began in 1607 when England built an establishment at Jamestown in today's the United States. The union between the kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland was made possible by both Parliament's in 1707 which dissolved them.

To form a Kingdom of Great Britain governed by a unified. Parliament of Great Britain according to the Treaty of Union the acts joined the kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland in a single Kingdom, the Kingdom of Great Britain
