History of Germany



Ancient people were present here 600,000 years ago the earth not Genesis of Germanic tribes is assumed to have started during the Nordic Bronze Age. From their homes in southern Scandinavia in northern Germany. The tribes began expanding into south east and west coming into contact with salty groups as well with Iranian Baltic and Slovak cultures by the 1st century BC in the first years of the 1st century AD. Roman legions conducted a long campaign in Germanic the area north of the upper Danube and east of Rhine. In time the tribes became familiar with roman tactics of warfare, while maintaining the tribal identity. 

The part of the territory of more than Germany that lay east of Ryan remained outside the Roman Empire. The 3rd century saw a large number of Germanic tribes broke into the Roman control and several large German-speaking tribes. The Visigoths Ostrogoth vandals boot unions long burn Saxons and franks moved west seeing the decline of the roman empire Christianity was spread to western Germany during the roman Era. Franks expanded into West Europe and they created an empire and then the Empire was divided between East Ta-was and Middle Frankie. The East part will become the Holy Roman Empire under odds of the first. The Empire was an elected monarchy with a lot of kingdoms in there Germans. 

In time started the colonisation of sub territories into the east building settlements in their black there. Germany in the 14th century and the 16th century in 1570 Martin Luther started a Reformation in the Catholic Church. We know it today as the Protestant Reformation by the next decades in Europe were many words for territories for freedom or for a succession on at Roan. In this time period the powers of Europe focused a lot on colonisation and establishing. 

Their power over large new lands outside the old continent. This wasn't the case for German kingdoms which were anti colonial power, probably because of not having a coast directly to the Atlantic and for being disunited into many kingdoms. Napoleon's French Empire puts an end to the Holy Roman Empire reorganising some territories after Napoleon was defeated. In the following years in nationally speed has increased for Germans and Italians which were disunited as well the two big German powers Austria and Prussia fought a war in 1866. 

By winning Prussia became the most powerful German state which will form the North German Confederation. After winning the war against the French, Germany was born officially in 1871. In 1880 a number of coins were established overseas. Germans, Italians and Austrians formed the Triple Alliance the untied was formed - between Russia, France and Great Britain. The world War 1st started in 1914 and ended in 1918 with Germany as a defeated country. The German Empire was no longer and a republic was proclaimed. 

German economy was in a bad period after the world economic crises. From 1929, made a situation worse for German people after the world a new nationalist movement was born. It was Adolph with his new party. He became Chancellor in 1933 and after the president Hindenburg died he became known as the Supreme leader. The world war 2nd started in 1939. Germany invaded Poland and ended in 1945. Germany being a ruin from that time. 

In 1990 German was divided into two countries and in two different ideologies. In 1955 the West became a NATO member and in 1957 was one of the founding members of the European community which will became later the European Union the Germans unified the whole country again. When the communist bloc collapse and since then it emerged as a poor formation in Europe. 
